Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ground Zero Amp Could I Get Electricuted By Lightning Even If I Wasn't Its Ground?

Could I get electricuted by lightning even if I wasn't its ground? - ground zero amp

I saw a video explaining lightning. He said that the electron work through the atmosphere over the jumps, the storage of electricity at one point before jumping to another. This creates a negative charge is attempted in the air, the neutral ground by positvely pay "Streamers" and whoever comes in one of these pockets to compensate the negatively charged area of the flash. The negative charge in the air can go in several directions at once, but make the first contact with the ground, takes the weight burden on the remaining sectors.

So, if I was absolutely zero chance of being isolated made a point of contact with the ground broken, but one of the electrical charge has surprised me, follow me? Each load inside, I can back down the road that actually reaches the ground, so that you can run right through me, many amplifiers have?

HP = hypothetical)


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