Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blurred Vision Stroke High Blood Pressure, Blurred Vision, And Loss Of Appetite?

High Blood Pressure, Blurred Vision, and Loss of Appetite? - blurred vision stroke

Recently, my father lost his appetite, and said his vision blurred your reservation. He has high blood pressure and overweight, but nothing else) (ie, high cholesterol or heart attack. It also uses reading glasses, because it is so easy. But now it seems that his vision slowly reversing. What, no place to be able to read the fine print, it is not able to read large font. What I must say that it seems to be about the future vision of a clairvoyant. And what an appetite to eat as much as before. Before he could finish all the food on your plate and) then some (with some snacks between meals, but now they can barely half the surface of your meal. I think he suffered a heat stroke a few years ago, but nothing more. I tried to watch on the Internet, if I find nothing, but nothing helped. Your doctor will not be until 5 January or later, so that they can not communicate with him. What I know is, if your high blood pressure it causes. Could be stressed to do?Does this mean he had suffered a heart attack or stroke before?


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